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General Rules

All PERFORMANCE Thespys have a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes, except for Solo Acting (3 mins) and all TECHNICAL Thespys have a maximum time limit of (10 mins) as stated in the rules. If any student or group goes over this time limit, they will be disqualified.



​“Hello, my name is John Smith from Troupe 561 and I’ll be performing, ‘Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’ from Oklahoma! by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein II. This piece contains (enter asterisk(s)”
“Hi, my name is Jennifer Johnson representing Troupe 1101, and I’m going to share my lighting design for A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. This presentation contains (enter asterisk(s)”


*Failure to follow this format will NOT result in disqualification at Districts this year.



The asterisk must be followed by one or more of the following codes:

 L -for adult language;

S -for sexual situations;

D -for frank talk of death;

SA -for substance abuse;

V -for violence;

R -for religious commentary;

P -for works related to prejudice or intolerance.

G- Gun shot sound effects

XA-Sexual Assault


  1. The audience will make no noise after a Thespy is performed– this includes applause.

  2. Students are encouraged to wear black audition/rehearsal attire in all Thespy performances. (aka "Performance Blacks." Costumes are NOT permitted.

  3. Props (not to include weapons) that are integral to the scene may be used.

  4. No sound effect or music is allowed in any Solo Acting, Duet Acting, or Group Acting Thespy, unless specified in the text of the scene.

  5. A playwright’s work may NOT be re-constructed for presentation in a Thespy. (ie. you may not splice scenes from various parts of the play to create your own adaptation)

  6. The number of entries and events in the Thespys Competition will be determined annually by the State Board.

  7. Students may participate in no more than 3 Thespys, in addition to the One Act Event. (Student performer in a Student Directed or Student Choreographed Thespy do not need to count that Thespy as one of their 3. Senior Scholarships also do not count toward their 3.

  8. No student may enter a Thespy Category/Event more than once.

  9. ACCOMPANISTS: No live accompaniment is permitted, with the exception of the the Senior Scholarship Thespy.

  10. Students receiving a Superior rating at the District level are eligible to perform at the State level. It is possible that the sponsor will be able to bring students receiving Excellents at Districts to State. This will be determined every August and will be detailed in the registration packet. Final selection will be the sponsor’s decision.

  11. There will be a $25.00 fee for each change or cancellation made after the published deadline.

  12. All Thespys presented at State Festival must be the same title and cutting, with the same participants, that received a Superior at District Festival.

  13. No Prop Weapons Allowed: This includes any prop that is being used to simulate a weapon.

  14. All Participants must be currently enrolled and attending classes at the same school as the troupe presenting the Thespy. Home school students may be included in the troupes Thespys if those students reside within the boundaries of that school. Any exceptions must be made to the State Director.

  15. All Thespys are limited to the furniture in the room. Regardless of the existing furniture of the host school or venue, the Thespys may only use the approved listed furniture in the rules. The rules used during the 2022 Festival concerning furniture will hold true for the 2023 Festival, no matter of the rules stated on the EdTA website. 

District 5 Thespians/Florida State Thespian Society, Inc does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), national origin (ancestory), gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

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